Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

definisi puisi

Poetry is a part of literature that has a rich meaning ,by poetry the poet or somebody can tell their messages through it even with a hidden messages or a clear messages. Etymologically, the word  poetry in greek comes from poesis, which means creation. In English, the equivalent word poetry is poetry that is closely related to-poet and-poem . Regarding the word poet , Coulter (in Tarin, 1986:4) explains that the wordpoet  comes from the Greek  means to make or create. In the Greek language itself, the word means the person who created the poet through his imagination, the almost-look like a god or something  like the gods. perspicacious people, saints, which is also a philosopher, statesman, teacher, the person who can guess the hidden truth.
Shannon Ahmad ( in Pradopo , 1993:6 ) ghatered the definition of poetry that is generally expressed by the English romantic poets as follows :
  1 ) Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem suggests it is the most beautiful words in a beautiful arrangement . Poets choose words exactly and prepared as well as possible , for example a balanced , symmetrical , between one element with another element very closely berhubungannya , and so on .
  2) Carlyle said that poetry is the thought that is musical . Poet creating the poem thinking melodious sounds like music in his poetry , the words are arranged in such a way that stands out is a series of melodious sound like music , is to use orchestra sound .
  3 ) Wordsworth had the idea that poetry is the expression of imaginative feeling , that feeling being created or imagined . As Auden poem suggests that it is more an expression of mingled feelings .
  4 ) Dunton argues that the poem is actually a man's thinking that is concrete and emotional artistic and rhythmic language . For example , with the figurative , with images , and artistically arranged ( eg harmony , symmetry , the right choice of words , and so on ) , and a language full of feeling , as well as rhythmic as music ( turn the sound of his words regularly sequential ) .
  5) shelley suggests that poetry is the most beautiful footage of life.
      example, the events that lead to a very impressive and strong emotion such as happiness, excitement mounting, romance, and even sadness because of the death of their dear ones.
      By gathering the opinions  above, we can conclude that the poem is a form of literature that expresses the thoughts and feelings densely poet, composed in a form and language that is most memorable. (Aida Aziz, 2011:13)

            Poetry or poem is a complex structure , to understand it needs to be analyzed so as to know the parts and jalinannya significantly. The builder elements of poetry can be seen below .
      1 ) sound . Wiyatmi ( in Siti Aida Aziz , 2011:42 ) describes that element of sound in poetry in        his general can be classified as follows : a) in terms of the sound itself, recognized the existence of perfect rhyme , half rhyme , alliteration , and assonance .
    2 ) Rhythm . Rhythm in language is a turn down ride , the length short , hard - soft speech sounds with a regular language . In general it can be concluded that the change of rhythm in a row on a regular basis .
   3 ) Diction . Diction is the choice of words or phrases in literature ( Abrams , 1981 ) .
   4 ) Language metaphors . Figurative language or figurative language is a departure from the use of language , the meaning he or she used the circuit with the goal to achieve a certain effect.

   5 ) The images. Altenbernd (1970 ) stated , that the images are the images in the mind and language are described , while each image is called the image of the mind or imagination .

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