Senin, 12 Januari 2015

description of moral

The Description of Moral
            Moral values in the literary works sometimes are not directly be delivered . Human being has different characters to one another,some have good characters and some have bad characters. The point about moral  is not only something that we usually do but also our conscience about what we should not do in life.
The adjective “moral” seems to have two main definitions applicable to academic research :
1.   ”relating to human character or behaviour considered as good or bad ...(or) the distinction    beetwen right and wrong,or good and evil,in relation to the actions,desires,or character of responsible human beings”; and
2. ”good,virtuous;conforming to standards of morality” (“Moral,”Oxford English Dictionary, (Hitlin,Vaisey,2010,p.5). Moral implies conformity to accepted notions of right and wrong or to establish sanctioned codes. The distinction in moral, human character as good or bad related to desire or actions of human beings. So the behaviour of human beings that considered as good or bad , right or wrong it depends on the man himself because they have their own belief. And everyone has responsible of what they are doing and what they have done.
According to Sweder (2003) “Moral” is thus used both to denote a domain where concepts like good and bad,right and wrong  are relevant,and to evaluate the status of a particular action of practice in that domain (Hitlin,Vaisey,2010,p.5). Moral is reflection of something good and bad, and right or wrong for every single one’s or group actions. For example , since some groups hold female genital mutilation to be an integral part of  “good life”  while others see it as a horrible violation of rights, one might be reasonably refer to it as a moral practice.  On the other hand, those who condemn the act claim that the practice is immoral because it violates standards of morality.
According to Bentham morality is an art to maximize happiness because by considering this matter it will be useful for our self and the other people (Hazlitt, 2003,p.109). Moral influence on our own happiness and others. Good attitudes and behaviour also help us to contribute to the happiness of other people with whom we come in contact everyday ,think of welfare of others than self indulgence ,focus on inner essence and make the atmosphere all around the neighborhood or society more joyful.
As stated by Longman Dictionary of American English moral relates to beliefs or ideas about what is right and wrong,and about how people should behave (2006,p.654). Oxford Advances Learner’s Dictionary defines that moral is concerned with principles of right and wrong behaviour (Hornby, 2010,p. 959). From the both definitions about moral as stated in dictionaries above, it has something to do with principles ,believe what we believe ,ideas that we accept as a concept of our lives or behaviour of human beings., (retrieved on May 25th 2014 )

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