Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

American cultural center (@america)

American cultural center or often called as @america is located in pacific place mall Jakarta,Indonesia.The @america center represents a one-of-a-kind, high-technology cultural center where visitors can explore, experience, and express their interests in the United States in fresh and exciting ways.American cultural center @america open 365 days a year Including also has a mission that is The center is focused on engaging Indonesian high school and university students as well as young professionals. Built on an unprecedented technology backbone, it features many displays calling for a high degree of interactivity with varied and edgy content loaded onto high-tech devices as well as frequent events that are compelling and creative.American cultural center @america is open since Desember 2nd 2010.@ america is full of knowledge, @ america offers visitors a variety of help to enrich the visit,with a host of interactive media @america allows visitors to learn about united states additional , the visitors can acces survey collection ,quiz and puzzle games through the latest technology available on site.@ america offers a range of facilities. Including the Information Desk, a Membership Counter, and the photo can a member there to get newsletter via e-mail.Membership is available at the counter @ america in Exhibition Area next to a photo booth.Here visitors can join the Membership Program @ america and receive exclusive updates on various programs and special events if you've already a member you can borrow an ipad there .@ america as the first cultural center focused on the visitor (user-drive) in Jakarta. Through discussions, webchats, cultural performances, debates, competitions and exhibitions you can experience the best of America – its ideals, creativity and diversity.@america is non-profit organization so you can enter free you can join every event free also.

At American cultural center you can get a lot of informations about america and info how to get scholarship to study in America ,and also you can meet new friend there and sharing any information because we have same interest,they had high technology there.Here are some descriptions about @america.

Facilities :
- Digital library
- Google map with wide screen
- Discussion room
- Studio
- Etc

My opinion :
@america is a place where you can share info with someone new,meet new friends,etc.
And I think @america needs more fantastic event so everybody pleased to come.

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