Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011


Story again of me about bajaj,I have ever been got on this transportation when I was followed SNMPTN (selection test of state universities). That time I got the test location in Tebet which is located in southern Jakarta.Firstly I have to got on the train in early morning so that I never late to tebet station.and I have to took bajaj that time to SMAN 8 it’s the place when I had test for two days. so many bajaj there not even in tebet but in some another place in Jakarta.before you get on this transportation many people did some deals to got a match cost with the driver me and my friend was did the same thing.i will explain alittle bit about bajaj.

Bajaj was from India Bajaj name itself is actually a brand of one of the automotive companies in India, Bajaj Auto.,Bajaj had three wheels. with a steering wheel like a motorcycle than a car wheel,the capacity of bajaj are for two people.

It was fun because it’s cheap than ojek another transportation than bajaj,I had it with my friends when in one location with me,bajaj had a high pollution so bajaj is rare to use now.

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