Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Bogor Botanical Garden (kebun raya bogor)

Bogor botanical garden is one of botanical garden in Indonesia wich is located in Bogor,West Java.Bogor botanical garden built on May 18 1817,it built by prof,Reindwardt from germany he worked for holland under colonial that time.Bogor botanical garden has an area around 87 hectares.it managed by LIPI (Indonesian Science Agency)non department,Bogor botanical garden has some variety there are 213 families of plant varieties, there are 1300 genus. For Orchid collection there are 101 until 570 of genus.It has the oldest plant that is lychee it's since 1823.there's some rare plant in botanical garden they are enam-enam plant with status vulnerable,kayu raja it is from borneo (Kalimantan)with the status threatened and then kayu besi , kayu hitam,kayu ebony etc.when i asked about the tendance of this garden there is no any special tendence perhaps for some plants there.for a worker there or if you want to be a worker there there is some requirement they are must be a high school graduated minimum or must be bachelor degree in any major.Bogor botanical garden can be used to sights place you can take a look around seeing many kinds of plants there it's so green there are some cactus,fruit trees,ponds etc.for the facilities there are mosque,toilet,cafeteria,gazebo etc.the number for the visitors if on the weekend there are around 10.000 visitors and for the week days around 1000 until 2000 visitors.it's good for children to respect the nature and knowing many kinds of plant.there's some constraints to this place they are from nature sectors like hurricane the trees can fall down and lightning when wet season can break some trees and for recreation sector there are the level of cleanliness,and trash.Bogor botanical garden has a future plan for the plants that is as the last bastion to protect rare plants.

so as the last bastion to protect rare plants Bogor botanical garden still try to make it comes true,with the development in any sector they have.

fasilities :

- gazebo
- toilet
- long chairs
- mosque
- etc

my opinion :

Although ragunan zoo is bigger than Bogor botanical garden, i felt tired when i looked around ,perhaps it could be better if sightseeing car available.and also the cleanliness Bogor had a beautiful view i hope it still maintained.

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